Web Development World

Know how the Internet works... ;)


What is HTML?

HTML is an abbreviation for HyperText Markup Language.

HTML HTML is the primary language used to build webpages. It is used to prepare documents ready for the user to view. The webpage you are currently visiting

What is hypertext?

Hypertext is defined as the text that is not restricted to linearity. It may contain links to other webpages, documents, and files. Most of what you see on a regular website is hypertext.

Do I need the Internet for using HTML?

Absolutely not! Unless the file is hosted online, all you need is the file and a web browser.

Oh, wow! So how may I learn HTML?

Websites like W3Schools, Codeacademy, and SoloLearn are good places to learn HTML.

Is HTML all about webpages?

Not, it is not! A lot of styling is needed for webpages to look presentable. For that, we use a styling language like CSS or Sass.

What is styling?

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