Web Development World

Know how the Internet works... ;)



You are about to learn something new about how websites work!

You affect the world by what you browse. - Tim Berners Lee.

The Internet The Internet is a global wide area network that connects computer systems across the world. It the largest computer network on the planet.

If this website is hosted online, you are currently able to browse this website using the Internet! Popular websites like Google, Facebook, and Twitter are hosted on the Internet. Even though the Internet is not controlled by a centralized organization, the hands of countless hardworking people is behind its beauty and essence in modern times.

A website consists of viewable documents, called webpages, and the webpages don't get created easily like simple documents. It requires a lot of patience and labour to build it for users like you!

But how do they work?

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL The webpages comprise a variety of languages, files, tools, and plugins. They are interpreted by a web browser.

Sounds interesting! How do I learn more?

To get started, you should learn about the primary markup language used to create webpages, HTML. Click here to continue!